Kariong Eco Garden Incorporated
2 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
Email: kariongecogarden@gmail.com
Website: www.kariongecogarden.org.au
Volunteer mornings at the Eco Garden are Mondays and Fridays 10am – 12noon, all are welcome. Jobs this month include working on the labyrinth path – weeding and re-planting – and planning changes in the pond and fairy garden area. Hopefully watching more rainwater go into our water tanks!
Boomerang Bags & new Repair Cafe – 3rd Sunday each month: 16/2/20, 10am – 1pm. Volunteers sewing cloth bags for the box at Kariong Foodworks and helping repair broken things!
On-going challenges – We have always wanted to have our garden open for visitors and expect people to respect the space. Sadly we have had more vandalism over Christmas and had to resort to closing the garden. The garden is open on Monday and Friday mornings 10am – 12noon – and can be accessed via the back gates if you need to find your tennis balls. POLICE ASSISTANCE LINE: 131 444 if you see anti-social behaviour.
Find us behind the Kariong Progress Hall, in Dandaloo St. Find out more on our Facebook page or visit our website at www.kariongecogarden.org.au.