We welcome Lousia to our admin staff, Louisa is replacing Laura who found work closer to home and family and is not spending her time traveling from the end of the freeway from Newcastle.
Dr Lily Foster has started and is enjoying what Kariong has to offer, Dr Foster works Monday to Thursday and bulk bills all patients.
Dr Thomson has been on leave most of August and will be returning as of Tuesday 3rd September.
If you require regular medication, AVOID running out by making appointments in advance with your doctor or see another doctor for just a script appointment on the day.
Kariong Medical Centre is a Mixed Billing Practice. Please call ahead if unsure of your Doctors billing status.
Fundraiser – Lids 4 Kids – Collect and drop off your milk, soft drinks and water bottle lids for Envision (Vic) to turn into prosthetic limbs for kids – see Tracy for more details.