The XChange is happy to announce that we still provide bread and other baked goods to several families in our area. If you or anyone you know may benefit from a bakery parcel please contact Lesley on the number below.

Womens small group continues to meet on Wednesday mornings at 10:00am and a mens small group has started up on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm at 17 Benkari Ave.   We have started a youth group this year. If you are in high school, this may be something for you. Call Lesley on the number below to get the address.

With holidays coming up we will be having our holiday Barneys once again. The first week will be at the Watttagans with our usual fire with baked potatoes, damper, marshmallows and songs. It is something you don’t want to miss. For more information call the number below.

Please continue to watch this page further for more current news.

To get the addresses of the above new meetings please contact Lesley on 0488709999 or email for further information or questions.