Our Food Relief Program is held at Kariong Neighbourhood Centre every Wednesday from 1:30pm – 2:00pm.
For community members who are facing hard times, or need some extra assistance with their weekly food budget, our Food Relief program offers the oportunity to come and fill up two shopping bags from our supply of fresh fruit and veggies, canned and packaged goods.
$ Donations gratefully received to help cover the cost of this service.
For more information contact Kariong Neighbourhood Centre – 4340 1724 | admin@knc.net.au
“Pilates is wonderful for every body of every age. Seniors, in particular, can really benefit from a Pilates practice. Balance, strength, flexibility, focus, and your breath are all areas you may notice have changed with age. Pilates at its core works on improving all of those things. It is gentle enough to be right for you at any age, and every exercise can be modified on any given day to meet you where your body is that day.”
Join our class to learn more!
When: Mondays 9am – 10am during school term.
For more information – 4340 1724 | admin@knc.net.au
Our Arts & Crafts group is a long term feature of the Neighbourhood Centre. Bring along your arts or crafts project to work on, or just come along for a chat.
Everyone is welcome.
When: Friday 10am – 12pm (School term only)
Cost: $5 per session
The Be Connected program allows older Australians to develop their confidence in a supportive environment and learn how to remain safe online while connecting with loved one.
We are now taking EOI for our waiting list for the next Be Connected program @ Kariong Neighbourhood Centre.
Contact: 4340 1724 | admin@knc.net.au