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OOSH – October 2018

Looking back on September, we have had another interesting, challenging, informative, productive, surprising, and brilliant month at OOSH!

September has seen us say farewell to Chris, who is leaving us to pursue her career in aged care. We have thoroughly enjoyed having you as part of our team Chris, and wish you all the best from all the educators and children at OOSH – you will be missed. We would also like to extend a warm welcome to Jessie-Lee, who this month joined our OOSH team. Jessie-Lee has a Diploma in Children’s Services and 6 years’ experience. If you see her around, be sure to say hello!

With the rainy weather, OOSH kids have been busy creating friendship bracelets and French knitting using wool. Children have also been exploring lines while tracing images onto tracing paper, which is great for building their concentration and fine motor skills.

Towards the end of this month we moved the senior’s space to the activities room. This has been a great success, with the older children being able to claim a space as their own while focusing on their own interests.


Outdoors, we have been weeding the garden area next to the walkway with the intention of sourcing some fruiting plants for us all to nurture and grow.

Marina Bosworth
Nominated Supervisor
Phone: 4340 4561 | Email: oosh@knc,