This is not a usual style of posting, but I hope you will allow us to deviate and indulge.
Pat is really leaving us and it is just so hard to say goodbye.
We wanted to on behalf of Kariong Neighbourhood Centre, personally thank Pat for devoting her personal time for the past 18 years of volunteering help with us. We are sure going to miss her.
Pat, from start to finish you have been an incredible volunteer and because of your commitment, dedication, time, and effort you have put into Kariong Neighbourhood Centre’s work with the community, you have been invaluable to us.
You have lent us your time and effort without ever expecting anything in return for so many years. You have been such a great help in our Admin area as well as helping with our mums and bubs program and we know that you didn’t half mind helping out and holding all those beautiful babies!
Pat, we thank you sincerely, for having such a big heart and for choosing Kariong Neighbourhood Centre to volunteer your time. You are proof that volunteers like you don’t want to be thanked for helping others, but rather want to thank others for the opportunity to be able to lend a hand.
We are sad to see you go Pat and again thank you for all that you have done to help us over the past 18 years with Kariong Neighbourhood Center.
We love you Pat, you are an amazing lady. We know you will keep being an inspiration.
We wish you well. May you stay safe and be blessed a hundred-fold on the next part of your journey. Good Luck!
From all the Kariong Neighbourhood Centre Team both past and present members.
“Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.” – Author Unknown.