Kariong Eco Garden Incorporated
2 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
Email: kariongecogarden@gmail.com
Website: www.kariongecogarden.org.au
Well we certainly got all the rainwater we needed in our water tanks – and some!
Regular Volunteers, Mondays Only: 10am – 12noon
Jobs this month include: WEEDING, fence and gate repairs, compost bay relocation …
and Permablitz on Sunday 15/3/20, 10am – 2pm, followed by regular Troubadour’s Folk Music 2- 4pm.
Bring your broken items or tools for sharpening: new REPAIR CAFÉ & ongoing BOOMERANG BAGS – 3rd Sunday monthly: 15/3/20, 10am – 1pm. Volunteers sewing cloth bags and helping repair broken things!
Clean Up Australia Day Sunday 1/3/20 9 – 12noon followed by thank you lunch supplied by Kariong Progress Association.
Girrakool Blues Festival 6-8 March 2020
Volunteer Zero Waste Heroes wanted to help during the event and enjoy the music.
Phone or text Lisa to volunteer on 0429 431 889.
Please call the POLICE ASSISTANCE LINE: 131 444 if you see anti-social behaviour.
Find us behind Kariong Progress Hall, in Dandaloo St. Find out more on our Facebook page or website: www.kariongecogarden.org.au