Our next meeting will be Wednesday 19th February 2020 at 6.45pm – 8pm, in KARIONG PROGRESS HALL, Dandaloo St, Kariong.
Meet long time locals, new neighbours, and discuss local issues of concern. Help plan events for 2020, eg guest speakers about local history, meet local artists, authors, poets, hold a Community BBQ Breakfast and Wine & Cheese night.
Big thanks to our local heroes – our hardworking Volunteer Bushfire Brigade!
WANTED: Hall Booking Officer – to be member of KPA committee and some remuneration is negotiable. Please email us if you can join the team.
HALL BOOKINGS: PLEASE EMAIL US. Prices vary for permanent and casual bookings, for private hire and not for profit organisations. EMAIL: kariongpa@gmail.com | FACEBOOK: Kariong Progress Association
POLICE ASSISTANCE LINE: 131 444 | Have you got your Fire plan? https://www.myfireplan.com.au/