So 2019 has nearly come to an end. 2020 Enrolment confirmations are being finalised and these are being emailed to parents. If you have not received yours please contact the centre.
Vacation Care is fast approaching and the program is now live on the website, Facebook page, and Book Me. Please login into Hubworks to book your vacation care activities. These will fill fast.
The children had a ball creating monsters from paddle pop sticks, mummy frankfurts for Halloween and lollipop spiders.
Kariong Out of School Hours Care proudly has an open door policy. We welcome family interactions within the service. We had one such moment recently where a parent joined in play with their child before heading home for the day. This is just one way we develop partnerships with our families and help them to feel comfortable, welcomed, and valued at our service. (Quality Area 6)
The Team at Kariong OOSH!
Phone: 4340 4561
Email: oosh@knc.net.au