Kariong Eco Garden Incorporated
2 Dandaloo Street, Kariong NSW 2250
Email: kariongecogarden@gmail.com
Website: www.kariongecogarden.org.au
Mondays and Fridays 10am – 12noon
Jobs this month include: creating a fairy garden, making a herb spiral & keeping the ponds wet…
BOOMERANG BAGS & REPAIR CAFE – 3rd Sunday each month: 17/11/19, 10am – 1pm. Volunteer repairers sought (small electrical, furniture, bikes and clothes) & YOU can bring your items that need fixing.
WORKHOPS (gold coin donation):
Friday 29/11/19 – 10am – 12noon Kerrie Anderson will guide us in making a herb spiral. Bring a herb to donate.
Friday 6/12/19, 10am – 2pm Peter Rutherford will run a workshop on Wicking Beds and Soil.
ONGOING CHALLENGES – SADLY we have been regularly cleaning up rubbish, finding damage, fires and graffiti in the garden. The garden will be closed outside 9am – 5pm and we hope Council will help us with locking and unlocking new gates.
Find us behind the Kariong Progress Hall, in Dandaloo St. Find out more on our facebook page or website: www.kariongecogarden.org.au